Seamless video playback on info screens and other improvements
Seamless video playback
Videos play more smoothly on Samsung’s Digital Signage screens. In video playback, we now use hardware acceleration, so that video playback is more efficient and faster than before.
Support for m4v format videos
You can now upload videos in m4v format to SeeSignage. It’s important to us that our customers get the best possible benefit from info screens, so we aim to provide versatile support for different formats.
Update to file name
File names can now also contain letters from other languages.
Several customer-tailored features
Integration work into different systems, product bases and much more. Do not hesitate to contact us if your company needs, for example, content that is automatically updated through integration. With the help of integrations, for example, product information can be retrieved from the screens directly from the online store or from the material bank you are using.
New in SeeSignage
Falcony integration for displaying announcements
New features to the info page editor: workarea toolbar, info page custom resolution, support for info pages in the media carousel, and much more
New features for the stop schedule and other improvements to the user interface
User interface update, origin tables and other improvements
Adding a playlist to the info page
New features for adding media to playlist and other improvements
Give us feedback
We are constantly developing new features for the cloud service. It is important to us that you get the best possible benefit from SeeSignage.